My Top Anime for 2011

Happy New Year everyone!

This post is very late because, well, I had a awful start to my Christmas vacation–caught a fever and have been feeling sluggish ever since.  Haven’t done much and the result is delay in the things I wanted to do.  Adding to the delay was my purchase of a new monitor that led to rewatches and viewings galore…

Anyway, I have got to say that 2011’s crop was better as a whole than 2010’s.  The top 5 contenders each have the quality to be considered the best show of the year 2011 for me.  To illustrate the close fight, the five categories that I used to compare the shows (namely Characters/Entertainment Value/Story-Plot-Ending/Music/Animation) were divided among 4 of the top 6 shows.  The 2 shows that didn’t get a first place ranking had 2 second-place rankings each.

My viewing has picked up a bit over 2010’s 14 shows.  Maybe because as I said earlier, the quality of the shows for 2011 was actually better than 2010’s.  Am I watching more because of this?  Hehehe.  For 2011 I’m supposed to be ranking 19 shows, but Fate/Zero, Last Exile – Ginyoku no Fam, and Chihayafuru are still far from finished.  So I have decided to bump these 3 to 2012, saving me a few moments of deliberation with the 2011 ranking.  Hunter x Hunter is also unfinished, and I doubt if I really can complete it.  With these unfinished shows the ranking process would’ve been tougher.  🙂

I have also decided to exclude movies except for Break Blade.  If I did not, well, Sayonara no Tsubasa would have been this list’s best anime–blowing away the competition hahaha…

Continue reading “My Top Anime for 2011”

Looking backward and forward: Spring and Summer Anime 2011

Again better late than never.

I may not be blogging that much, but I am watching anime, a lot of it now, in fact.  As I am still new at work, I don’t have a lot of responsibilities yet so I’m not that busy at the moment.  For the past few months I have divided my time between anime, books, Internet, and other stuff I didn’t get to do like shopping left and right (obviously getting paid means spending power hehehe).  Of course I don’t spend everything because it’s important also that I replenish my savings that got depleted when I resigned without a new job.

Now enough of that RL talk.  Since I wasn’t able to do the Spring impressions, I’m combining it with a post about the Summer anime season.

Continue reading “Looking backward and forward: Spring and Summer Anime 2011”

Cute Proxy Resurrected

So I got the itch to blog again after 2 months off.    And those 2 months have got to be my longest hiatus ever.  It just shows that I’m still not that burned out from this blog.  😛

Anyway I have been getting episodes of the shows that have interested me from the spring season but I haven’t watched all (episodes ones) yet.  I might post my impressions (no matter how late?) too.  But just in case I don’t get to post anything, my fave for this season (because I faithfully follow it) is Hana-Saku Iroha.  A close second would be Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Boku-tachi wa Mada Shiranai.

I also have no idea of what has happened in the anime blogosphere, and I will try to catch up in the following days.  (Any e-dorama that might be interesting?  Hehehe)

I think that’s it for now.  Ja!  😀